Can I change or cancel my order?
Delivery information change
Recipient name, phone number, address, email, remarks
For unshipped orders: Please contact our customer service and provide your order number and information you wish to update.
For shipped orders: You can contact our customer service or logistics company to request for delivery information update. (Tracking number of parcel is required when contacting logistics company). Please note that a delivery surcharge may occur for address change.
Pickup date
For unshipped orders: Please contact our customer service and provide your order number and the date you wish to change to. We will first check your order's preparation status to confirm if the change can be fulfilled.
For shipped orders: Pickup date cannot be changed.
Order contents change
Items in orders cannot be changed once order is placed. You may replace a new order and inform our customer service about it.
This includes changing of items' flavours or specifications, or increasing quantity of items.
Order or item cancellation
For "Processing" orders: Please contact our customer service and provide your order number and items you wish to cancel.
For "Ready to Ship" and "Shipped" orders: Items and orders cannot be cancelled.
Updated on: 31/03/2023