Shipping fee and time
Delivery from Taiwan Orders will be shipped out ( after receiving payment ) within the working days shown in cart. Please refer to table below for all location's delivery time. Do note that actual shipping time may vary due to logistics' delivery arrangement, weather, natural disasters or major festival celebrations. If total weight of items in cart is less than 1kg, system will calculate it as 1kg. For example: Total weight of items in cart is 1.4kg, thus system will calculate 2kg's worthPopularTax charges
Delivery to China Tax for F&B is 13% of item value System will calculate total tax charges in cart. Delivery to other areas Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand Any taxes or other charges occurred during custom clearance will be collected from recipient by local customs. We're unable to confirm the exact amount of duty charges for each country. We highly advise customers to contact each local customs to inqPopularWhat is my order's status?
A notification e-mail will be sent to you when order is shipped out. You may also check your order's details and estimated ship out date at My Orders. You can also track your parcel by clicking on the "Track Parcel" button.Some readersHow do we pack orders?
All items from the same order will be packed into one box. If order has a larger quantity of items or bigger items, we might pack items separately into more than one box. We will notify you about the extra boxes when shipping order. There will be no handles on exterior of our box. To ensure our customers receive items in their best states, we will included bubble wraps inside box to protect items.Few readers